
I'm using MacPorts in order to manage my Ruby/Rails/Gems installations. Recently after doing a gem install wirble, wirble fails to load when I start an instance of irb. Here's the output:

$ irb --simple-prompt
Couldn't load Wirble: no such file to load -- wirble

The Wirble gem doesn't show up in my $LOAD_PATH:

>> puts $:
=> nil

The gem is definitely installed:

$ gem list |grep -i wirble
wirble (0.1.3)

It is located in /opt/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/wirble-0.1.3/

How do I get this and future gems I installed appended to my $LOAD_PATH?

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I got this to work!

Used this version: and it worked!

Hope that helps!



Did you require RubyGems in irb?

require 'rubygems'

will probably be necessary before requiring any gems. You can also put this line in ~/.irbrc so you RubyGems will automatically be required when irb is started up.

I'm not sure why some of your Gems are in your load path -- gems usually don't appear in $:.

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