
I'm saving an user's default language in his user profile and on login I want to set the admin's default language to it.

One possibility I was thinking of is using a middleware, but I think if I do it on process_request I will not see an user object there since this is processed AFTER the middleware, so I could only set it after the next request!
Any solutions are highly appreciated!

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The sad thing is Django doesn't send any signals on Login/Logout (apparently there's a ticket open for that at

But looking around I found a rather simple and elegant solution for implementing signals on login/logout without touching Django's code:


You can do follow: In templates/admin/login.html

<script type="text/javascript">
                    type : 'POST',
                    url : "{% url 'setLangueDefault' %}",
                    dataType : 'JSON',
                    success : function(data) {

In frontend/

urlpatterns = patterns('frontend.views',
    url(r'^set-language-default/$', views.setLangueDefault, name='setLangueDefault'),


In frontend/

from django.conf import settings
def setLangueDefault(request):
    language = settings.LANGUAGE_CODE
    if hasattr(request, 'session'):
        if 'django_language' in request.session:
            language = request.session['django_language']
    if language:
        request.session['django_language'] = language
    if request.is_ajax():
        message = {'status' : 0, 'info' : 'done'}
        return JsonResponse(json.dumps(message))
    return HttpResponseRedirect('/')

Note config default language in Exp: LANGUAGE_CODE = 'vi'

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