
What is the limit of the field type BIGINT in SQL?

is 100000235882380 or 100000466411115 acceptable? (That is ID from facebook)


Yes, according to int, bigint, smallint, and tinyint (Transact-SQL):

bigint -2^63 (-9,223,372,036,854,775,808) to 2^63-1 (9,223,372,036,854,775,807)

It depends on the RDBMS. For example, the maxiumum values of a BIGINT are 9223372036854775807 (for signed) or 18446744073709551615 (for un-signed) on MySQL.

See the Numeric Types section of the docs for the full details.

Nothing to worry about. BIGINT can store much larger values than the ones you have.

At a minimum up to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807.

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