
I am trying to integrate paypal to my website.

so i downloaded dcramer django paypal from github. unzipped and pasted the paypal folder in my project directory. i added INSTALLED_APPS = (... 'paypal.standard.ipn', ...) and RECEIVER_EMAIL = '' to

and (r'^paypal/notify/', include('paypal.standard.ipn.urls')), to my

i hosted it in amazon aws.

i tried to stimulate ipns at paypal ipn simulator.

I entered the IPN handler URL as http://<mysite address>/paypal/notify/ and when i clicked the send ipn button i got error:

ipn error

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Solved the Problem. Need '/' at the end of IPN Handler URL

if you give IPN handler url


it will return 500: error.

But if you give


it will works fine.

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