
I have an issue when communicating encrypted between iOS and PHP. I have an app that encrypts a string and sends it to a PHP server that decrypts it. That part works just fine. Now the PHP server needs to send an encrypted response back to the app, which seems to be causing a bit more gray hair.

The issue is, that when I encrypt a string in PHP it looks different from the same string encrypted in iOS and even .NET - obviously all places use the same algorithm, key and IV.

I use Rijndael 128 in CBC mode with an IV consisting of empty bytes (so far).

The PHP encryption looks so:

$encrypted = mcrypt_encrypt( MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_128, $this->secret_key, $str, MCRYPT_MODE_CBC, $this->iv );
$encrypted = base64_encode( $encrypted );

The iOS encryption is attached in this file:


I hope someone can help me spot where I'm missing something or have some different parameters of values. I have looked at this for several hours, and can't find anything else to try.

Was it helpful?


Most likely it's a padding issue... Please see here or here for more information.

EDIT after OP comment:

PHP has no built-in support for other padding modes than the NULL-padding. At least .Net allows you to specify NULL-padding (I think), the other option would be to implement PKCS#7-padding in PHP which is not that difficult to do.

Pad the input with a padding string of between 1 and 8 bytes to make the total length an exact multiple of 8 bytes. The value of each byte of the padding string is set to the number of bytes added - i.e. 8 bytes of value 0x08, 7 bytes of value 0x07, ..., 2 bytes of 0x02, or one byte of value 0x01.

$blockSize = mcrypt_get_block_size(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_128, MCRYPT_MODE_CBC);
$padding   = $blockSize - (strlen($data) % $blockSize);
$data      .= str_repeat(chr($padding), $padding);


After long test's I think this encrypt method will be right for tests:

function mc_encrypt($str = "Affe", $key = "12345678901234567890123456789012")
    $str = "Affe";
  $block = mcrypt_get_block_size('rijndael-256', 'cbc');
    $pad = $block - (strlen($str) % $block);
    $str .= str_repeat(chr($pad), $pad);

    $encoded =  base64_encode(mcrypt_encrypt('rijndael-256', $key, $str, 'cbc',$key));
    return $encoded;

I got this on iOS: v+cB4woDYANTozUbOgxJ4rWKb59EfLf6NkRE/Ee0kYY= But if I try to decrypt (see above), I got (null)

On the Other if I encrypt on iOS, I got this one: UUfn34iyNlSK40VaehloaQ==

definitely to short (or the other is to long)...searching again for errors.

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