For Android, is there a way to determine how many text messages have been sent to a contact?


  •  08-10-2019
  •  | 


I'm reading contact data from ContractContacts, and can lookup TIMES_CONTACTED (which is useful to me), but this field only applies to calls to that contact. I'm also interested in the number of times a contact has been contacted via SMS or email.

Does anyone know if this information is available? I've been searching but haven't come across anything.

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For SMS, you'll want to access the inbox located at content://sms/inbox directly and perform a database query to count the number of rows corresponding to the matching contact.

Something like:

String personAddress = addressFromContact();
Uri smsUri = new Uri("content://sms");
if (smsUri != null) {
  Cursor smsCursor = getContentResolver().query(smsUri, null, "address=?", new String[] {personAddress}, null);
  int smsCount = smsCursor.getCount();
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