
I am writing a search client, to query postgis db.

The search query will be,

    SELECT tags->'name' AS name,ST_Transform(way,4326) AS pt_lonlattext 
FROM planet_osm_point WHERE lower(tags->'name') LIKE '%school%'

Now, I need the results in such a way that,

fully matched results should be given priority than partially matched ones. e.g. The results that has only 'school' in name should be first in the returned list, followed by results which has 'primary school','high school' etc..

Is there a way to re-construct the above query to get the desired results?

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something like this?

    tags->'name' as name,
    ST_Transform(way,4326) as pt_lonlattext 
from planet_osm_point
where lower(tags->'name') LIKE '%school%'
order by case when lower(tags->'name') = 'school' then 0 else 1 end

or, more DRY version:

with cte as (
        tags->'name' as name,
        ST_Transform(way,4326) as pt_lonlattext 
    from planet_osm_point
select name, pt_lonlattext 
from cte
where lower(name) like '%school%'
order by case when lower(name) = 'school' then 0 else 1 end
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