
Is it possible to extend the Team Explorer 2008 Query Builder and Query result grid using TFS SDK , I have a requirement where i like to add some custom columns and get the output in the result grid in a hierarchical structure, whether this is possible or do i have to write these functionalities from scratch. Is there any API documentation available for team explorer.


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I don't think you're going to have much luck doing this with the stock query result grid. You could potentially write your own, using the TFS API, and create it as a Visual Studio add-in.

Found some details to get a list of the queries from TFS. This is if you have Visual Studio 2010

Alternatively (and a bit more easily), you can use code like this to get the queries. However, it uses some deprecated code. It is, however, designed for TFS 2008 and Visual Studio 2008:

        TeamFoundationServer tfs = new TeamFoundationServer("http://tfs:8080");
        WorkItemStore wis = tfs.GetService<WorkItemStore>();

        var project = wis.Projects[0];

        for(int i=0; i<project.StoredQueries.Count; i++)
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