
I'm using the sortable function in jquery to sequence a faq list. Needless to say, i'm new to this concept. Anybody have any good examples of the backend for this. I have the front working fine, but updating the sequence in the database is another story. My backend is ColdFusion btw.

Thanks in advance

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Define the faq:

<div id="faq">
  <div id="q1">...</div>
  <div id="q2">...</div>
  <div id="q100">..</div>

Make faq sortable:

<script type="text/javascript">

Form submitted:

<form action="..." id="faq_form">
  <input type="hidden" name="faqs" id="faqs" />

Add sorted sequence to form

<script type="text/javascript>
  $("#faq_form").submit(function() {

When form is submitted, field "faqs" will contain comma separated id's from #faq like this: q1,q3,q10,q11,q2,q100...

Just parse it and save to DB


Here is simple example of Jquery UI Sortable,how it can be used with div's.

First include libraries in your html:

 <link href="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/>` <script src=""></script>`<script src=""></script>``

Html for making sortable:

<div id="target">
    <div style="cursor: move;" class="entity">
        <div class="digit"><span>1</span><tab />&nbsp; First Item </div>            
    <div style="cursor: move;" class="entity">
        <div class="digit"><span>2</span>&nbsp; Second Item</div>           
    <div style="cursor: move;" class="entity">
        <div class="digit"><span>3</span>&nbsp; Third Item</div>            
    <div style="cursor: move;" class="entity">
        <div class="digit"><span>4</span>&nbsp; Fourth Item</div>           
    <div style="cursor: move;" class="entity">
        <div class="digit"><span>5</span>&nbsp; Fifth Item</div>            

Here is the sortable function:

$(document).ready(function() {
        items:'div.entity', //the div which we want to make sortable            
        scroll:true,        //If set to true, the page 
                            //scrolls when coming to an edge.
        update:function(event,ui){ renumber(); } //This event is triggered when the user 
                                                //stopped sorting and the DOM position has changed.

renuber() is called from the Sortable update event handler callback:

function renumber()
    $('.digit span').each(function(index,element) {
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