
I'm working on a set of integration tests using arquillian and dbunit. I can run some of my tests just fine, but not the ones involving entities which have oneToMany relations with data in them. When running my tests I then get a PersistenceException:

Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException 
at org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.kernel.JDBCStoreManager.setInverseRelation(

My test looks like this:

public class MasterPlanManagerBeanDbIT {

    public PersistenceUnitRule rule = new PersistenceUnitRule();
    private MasterplanManager instance;
    EntityManager entityManager;

    public static WebArchive createDeployment() throws Exception {
        return ShrinkWrap
            .create(WebArchive.class, .....

    public void updateTrip_givenValidInput_expectsTripToBeUpdated() {

        Trip input = givenTrips().get(0);
        input.setNote("updated value");

        Trip updated = instance.updateTrip(input);

        checkEquality(input, updated);//checks field by field for equality

My pom.xml looks like this:


I did try the openjpa-maven-plugin to enhance the entities at build-time, but this will afaik alter the compiled entities which later will be deployed to our production environment (using deploy-time enhancement).

With that in mind, is it possible to enable deploy-time enhancement in my arquillian tests?

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As I'm using openJpa, I found this link very helpful:

I am simply providing the openejb java-agent to the maven surefire plugin.


If you are using eclipse add -javaagent:{your java agent path} to the VM arguments for the test.

In my case I took the java agent directly from a TomEE installation.

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