
I recently learnt to find out nth number fibonacci series by matrix exponentiation. but i am stuck on two relations :

1) F(n) = F(n−1) + n            
2) F(n) = F(n−1) + 1/n    

Is there any efficient way to solve these in O(logn) time like we have matrix expo. for fibonacci series ?

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The first one is obviously equal to:

F(n) = F(0) + n*(n+1)/2

and can be computed in O(1) time. For the second, look here.

Supposing that you want to compute the first one with matrix exponentiation, in the same way that you did with the Fibonacci series, here's the matrix you should use:

    | 1 1 0 |
A = | 0 1 1 |
    | 0 0 1 |

The choice of matrix is obvious if you think of the following equation:

| F(n+1) |   | 1 1 0 |   | F(n) |
|  n+1   | = | 0 1 1 | * |  n   |
|   1    |   | 0 0 1 |   |  1   |

Of course, the starting vector has to be: (F(0), 0, 1).

For the second series this is not so easy, as you would want to gradually compute the value 1/n, which cannot be computed linearly in this way. I guess it cannot be done but I won't try to prove it.


The first one can be calculated in O(1) just because this is an arithmetic progression and the sum is n*(n-1)/2.

The second one is a harmonic series and can not be calculated efficiently, but you can approximate it in O(1) with:

enter image description here

where the first one is a 0.57721566490153286060 and the second is approximately 1/(2k)

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