
this is the result of pnotify after I included the following files:
prettify.js && prettify.css && jquery.pnotify.default.css && jquery.pnotify.default.icons.css && of course jquery.pnotify.js

enter image description here

am I missing something ?

Was it helpful?


Try to include these files bootstrap.css and bootstrap.js


Have you included jQuery UI Icons in your page? I tried to get the issue replicated, but I got pnotify working correctly on jsfiddle.

$.pnotify.defaults.styling = "jqueryui";

        title: 'Regular Notice',
        text: 'Check me out! I\'m a notice.'

If you are using Bootstrap 3 try to change jquery.pnotify.js like this:

bootstrap: {
            container: "alert",
            notice: "alert-warning",
            notice_icon: "icon-exclamation-sign",
            info: "alert-info",
            info_icon: "icon-info-sign",
            success: "alert-success",
            success_icon: "icon-ok-sign",
            error: "alert-danger",
            error_icon: "icon-warning-sign",
            closer: "icon-remove",
            pin_up: "icon-pause",
            pin_down: "icon-play",
            hi_menu: "well",
            hi_btn: "btn",
            hi_btnhov: "",
            hi_hnd: "icon-chevron-down"
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