
I use cscope with vim and it works great Ctrl+] for going to a definition) and Ctrl+T to pop out of the tag stack. When I tried to use it with gvim, Ctrl+T opens a new tab. So I created a .gvimrc file under $HOME, and

nmap <C-S-t> <ESC>:tabnew<cr>
imap <C-S-t> <ESC>:tabnew<cr>i

and the new mappings work but it does not overwrite the default functionality of C-t for :tabnew. Where can I change that ?

If I cannot change gvim behavior, atleast let me change cscope to using a different key combination so that it does not conflict. Please help !


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Found it @

Change cscope to use Ctrl+o (letter o) to jump back instead of Ctrl+T and all is well.

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