
I wrote a python script to fetch all of my gmail. I have hundreds of thousands of old emails, of which about 10,000 were unread.

After successfully fetching all of my email, I find that gmail has marked all the fetched emails as "read". This is disastrous for me since I need to check all unread emails only.

How can I recover the information about which emails were unread? I dumped each mail object into files, the core of my code is shown below:

m = imaplib.IMAP4_SSL("")
m.login(user,pwd)"[Gmail]/All Mail") 
resp, items = m.uid('search', None, 'ALL')
uids = items[0].split() 
for uid in uids:
    resp, data = m.uid('fetch', uid, "(RFC822)") 
    email_body = data[0][1]
    mail = email.message_from_string(email_body)
    dumbobj(uid, mail)

I am hoping there is either an option to undo this in gmail, or a member inside the stored mail objects reflecting the seen-state information.

For anyone looking to prevent this headache, consider this answer here. This does not work for me, however, since the damage has already been done.

Edit: I have written the following function to recursively "grep" all strings in an object, and applied it to a dumped email object using the following keywords:

regex = "(?i)((marked)|(seen)|(unread)|(read)|(flag)|(delivered)|(status)|(sate))"

So far, no results (only an unrelated "Delivered-To"). Which other keywords could I try?

def grep_object (obj, regex , cycle = set(), matched = set()):
    import re
    if id(obj) in cycle:
    if isinstance(obj, basestring):
        if, obj):

    def grep_dict (adict ):
             [  [ grep_object(a, regex, cycle, matched )  for a in ab ] for ab in adict.iteritems() ]

        [ grep_object(elm, regex, cycle, matched ) for elm in obj ]
    except: pass
    return matched

grep_object(mail_object, regex)

No correct solution


I'm having a similar problem (not with gmail), and the biggest problem for me was to make a reproducible test case; and I finally managed to produce one (see below).

In terms of the Seen flag, I now gather it goes like this:

  • If a message is new/unseen, IMAP fetch for \Seen flag will return empty (i.e. it will not be present, as related to the email message).
  • If you do IMAP select on a mailbox (INBOX), you get a "flag" UNSEEN which contains a list of ids (or uids) of emails in that folder that are new (do not have the \Seen flag)
  • In my test case, if you fetch say headers for a message with BODY.PEEK, then \Seen on a message is not set; if you fetch them with BODY, then \Seen is set
  • In my test case, also fetching (RFC822) doesn't set \Seen (unlike your case with Gmail)

In the test case, I try to do pprint.pprint(inspect.getmembers(mail)) (in lieu of your dumpobj(uid, mail)) - but only after I'm certain \Seen has been set. The output I get is posted in mail_object_inspect.txt - and as far as I can see, there is no mention of 'new/read/seen' etc. in none of the readable fields; furthermore mail.as_string() prints:

'From:\nTo:\nSubject: This is a test message!\n\nHello. I am executive assistant to the director of\nBear Stearns, a failed investment Bank.  I have\naccess to USD6,000,000. ...\n'

Even worse, there is no mention of "fields" anywhere in the imaplib code (below filenames are printed if they do not contain case-insensitive "field" anywhere):

$ grep -L -i field /usr/lib/python{2.7,3.2}/

... so I guess that information was not saved with your dumps.

Here is a bit on reconstructing the test case. The hardest was to find a small IMAP server, that can be quickly ran with some arbitrary users and emails, but without having to install a ton of stuff on your system. Finally I found one:, the example file of Perl's Net::IMAP::Server; tested on Ubuntu 11.04.

The test case is pasted in this gist, with two files (with many comments) that I'll try to post abridged:

  • - Perl (v5.10.1) Net::IMAP::Server server (has a terminal output paste at end of file with a telnet client session)
  • - Python 2.7/3.2 imaplib
    client (has a terminal output paste at end of file, of itself operating with the server)

First, make sure you have Net::IMAP::Server - note, it has many dependencies, so the below command may take a while to install:

sudo perl -MCPAN -e 'install Net::IMAP::Server'

Then, in the directory where you got, create a subdirectory with SSL certificates:

mkdir certs
openssl req \
  -x509 -nodes -days 365 \
  -subj '/C=US/ST=Oregon/L=Portland/CN=localhost' \
  -newkey rsa:1024 -keyout certs/server-key.pem -out certs/server-cert.pem

Finally run the server with administrative properties:

sudo perl

Note that the has a hack which will let a client to connect without SSL. Here is


use v5.10.1;
use feature qw(say);
use Net::IMAP::Server;

package Demo::IMAP::Hack;
$INC{'Demo/IMAP/'} = 1;

sub capabilityb {
  my $self = shift;
  print STDERR "Capabilitin'\n";
  my $base = $self->server->capability;
  my @words = split " ", $base;
  @words = grep {$_ ne "STARTTLS"} @words
    if $self->is_encrypted;
  unless ($self->auth) {
    my $auth = $self->auth || $self->server->auth_class->new;
    my @auth = $auth->sasl_provides;
    # hack:
    #unless ($self->is_encrypted) {
    #  # Lack of encrpytion makes us turn off all plaintext auth
    #  push @words, "LOGINDISABLED";
    #  @auth = grep {$_ ne "PLAIN"} @auth;
    push @words, map {"AUTH=$_"} @auth;
  return join(" ", @words);

package Demo::IMAP::Auth;
$INC{'Demo/IMAP/'} = 1;
use base 'Net::IMAP::Server::DefaultAuth';
sub auth_plain {
    my ( $self, $user, $pass ) = @_;
    return 1;

package Demo::IMAP::Model;
$INC{'Demo/IMAP/'} = 1;
use base 'Net::IMAP::Server::DefaultModel';
sub init {
    my $self = shift;
    $self->root( Demo::IMAP::Mailbox->new() );
    $self->root->add_child( name => "INBOX" );

package Demo::IMAP::Mailbox;
use base qw/Net::IMAP::Server::Mailbox/;
use Data::Dumper;

my $data = <<'EOF';
Subject: This is a test message!

Hello. I am executive assistant to the director of
Bear Stearns, a failed investment Bank.  I have
access to USD6,000,000. ...
my $msg = Net::IMAP::Server::Message->new($data);
sub load_data {
    my $self = shift;
my %ports = ( port => 143, ssl_port => 993 );
$ports{$_} *= 10 for grep {$> > 0} keys %ports;

$myserv = Net::IMAP::Server->new(
    auth_class  => "Demo::IMAP::Auth",
    model_class => "Demo::IMAP::Model",
    user        => 'nobody',
    log_level   => 3, # at least 3 to output 'CONNECT TCP Peer: ...' message; 4 to output IMAP commands too

# apparently, this overload MUST be after the new?! here:
no strict 'refs';
*Net::IMAP::Server::Connection::capability = \&Demo::IMAP::Hack::capabilityb;

say " -", $myserv->can('validate'), " -", $myserv->can('capability'), " -", \&Net::IMAP::Server::Connection::capability, " -", \&Demo::IMAP::Hack::capabilityb;


With the server above running in one terminal, in another terminal you can just do:


The code will simply read fields and content from the one (and only) message the server above presents, and will eventually restore (remove) the \Seen field.

import sys
if sys.version_info[0] < 3: # python 2.7
  def uttc(x):
    return x
else:                       # python 3+
  def uttc(x):
    return x.decode("utf-8")
import imaplib
import email
import pprint,inspect

imap_user = 'nobody'
imap_password = 'whatever'
imap_server = 'localhost'
conn = imaplib.IMAP4(imap_server)
conn.debug = 3

  (retcode, capabilities) = conn.login(imap_user, imap_password)

# not, else we cannot modify the \Seen flag later # Select inbox or default namespace
(retcode, messages) =, '(UNSEEN)')
if retcode == 'OK':
  for num in uttc(messages[0]).split(' '):
    if not(num):
      print("No messages available: num is `{0}`!".format(num))
    print('Processing message: {0}'.format(num))

    typ, data = conn.fetch(num,'(FLAGS)')
    isSeen = ( "Seen" in uttc(data[0]) )
    print('Got flags: {2}: {0} .. {1}'.format(typ,data, # NEW: OK .. ['1 (FLAGS ())']
            "Seen" if isSeen else "NEW"))

    print('Peeking headers, message: {0} '.format(num))
    typ, data = conn.fetch(num,'(BODY.PEEK[HEADER])')

    typ, data = conn.fetch(num,'(FLAGS)')
    isSeen = ( "Seen" in uttc(data[0]) )
    print('Got flags: {2}: {0} .. {1}'.format(typ,data, # NEW: OK .. ['1 (FLAGS ())']
            "Seen" if isSeen else "NEW"))

    print('Get RFC822 body, message: {0} '.format(num))
    typ, data = conn.fetch(num,'(RFC822)')
    mail = email.message_from_string(uttc(data[0][1]))

    typ, data = conn.fetch(num,'(FLAGS)')
    isSeen = ( "Seen" in uttc(data[0]) )
    print('Got flags: {2}: {0} .. {1}'.format(typ,data, # NEW: OK .. ['1 (FLAGS ())']
            "Seen" if isSeen else "NEW"))

    print('Get headers, message: {0} '.format(num))
    typ, data = conn.fetch(num,'(BODY[HEADER])') # note, FLAGS (\\Seen) is now in data, even if not explicitly requested!

    print('Get RFC822 body, message: {0} '.format(num))
    typ, data = conn.fetch(num,'(RFC822)')
    mail = email.message_from_string(uttc(data[0][1]))
    pprint.pprint(inspect.getmembers(mail)) # this is in mail_object_inspect.txt

    typ, data = conn.fetch(num,'(FLAGS)')
    isSeen = ( "Seen" in uttc(data[0]) )
    print('Got flags: {2}: {0} .. {1}'.format(typ,data, # Seen: OK .. ['1 (FLAGS (\\Seen))']
            "Seen" if isSeen else "NEW")) # select again, to see flags server side
    # * OK [UNSEEN 0] # no more unseen messages (if there was only one msg in folder)

    print('Restoring flag to unseen/new, message: {0} '.format(num))
    ret, data =,'-FLAGS','\\Seen')
    if ret == 'OK':
      print("Set back to unseen; Got OK: {0}{1}{2}".format(data,'\n',30*'-'))

      typ, data = conn.fetch(num,'(FLAGS)')
      isSeen = ( "Seen" in uttc(data[0]) )
      print('Got flags: {2}: {0} .. {1}'.format(typ,data, # NEW: OK .. [b'1 (FLAGS ())']
              "Seen" if isSeen else "NEW"))



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