
I know there are many other questions out there, but I can't seem to find exactly what I want.

Let's say that I'm having 5 apps right now:

  • App1 and App2 are the full and lite version of the same myApp, and I want to share data between them
  • App3 is independent but using in-app purchases and
  • App4 and App5 are two other, independent apps.

Should I just have a generic App ID, like ABCDE12345.* with which I can sign apps like App4 and App5 (and all the new ones in the future, that don't need IAP etc), then ABCD123456.myCompany.App3 for App3 and then ABC1234567.myCompany.myApp.* for App1 and App2?

Does this sound the right way, or I get it totally wrong? Or, in different words, how does your App IDs look like? :)

Thanks for any insight!

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I would do this:

  • App1 and App2 should use something like
  • App3 should use
  • App4 should use
  • App5 should use

In other words, share the app id between app1 and app2 since you want to share data. During development use a generic app id like* but for distribution each independent app should have it's own unique app id.


Irene, I use specific App IDs (com.thinkfun.rushhour, etc.) for Ad Hoc distribution, but stick to a wildcard ID for development in debug mode. This allows me to use the same profile for every app on my device, even example code I've downloaded through the Developer Center, without worrying about the App ID at all.

Further, f you want to use push notifications, In App Purchases, or Game Center, you'll have to use a specific app ID for each version, rather than a wildcard. Check out the iOS Provisioning Portal page for more information.

I DO share one Bundle Seed ID between all my apps (the ABCDE12345 in your example), as this keeps things simple and convenient, and doesn't restrict any of the above features. Best of luck!

Apple recommends using a reverse-domain name style string (i.e., com.domainname.appname). It cannot contain an asterisk (*).

Ordinary Domain notation example:

Reverse Domain notation example:


So we may name it like the following:

  • com.yourCompanyName.mobilityFinance.appname

  • com.yourCompanyName.mobilityHR.appname

  • com.yourCompanyName.mobilityTransaction.appname

  • com.yourCompanyName.mobilityAccounts.appname

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