
I'm trying to select events for the next 2 weeks starting from today's date. The logic used is pretty easy. I get all calendars, then pick one i need to pull events from and supply the date range. I'm pulling dates from the selected calendar however it doesn't look like the date range is applied. Now, i have 2 events scheduled for the following dates.

  • October 8
  • October 20

I should only be getting event scheduled for October 20th, but i'm getting both.

        CalendarService calService = new CalendarService(calendarAppName);
        calService.setUserCredentials(username, password);

        CalendarQuery calQuery = new CalendarQuery();
        calQuery.Uri = new Uri("");
        CalendarFeed calFeed = (CalendarFeed)calService.Query(calQuery);

        var activeCalendar = calFeed.Entries.Where(x => x.Title.Text == calendarName).FirstOrDefault();
        if (activeCalendar != null)
           EventQuery evtQuery = new EventQuery(GetCalendarFeed(activeCalendar));
           evtQuery.StartDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1);
           evtQuery.EndDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(14);
           evtQuery.FutureEvents = false;

           EventFeed evtFeed = calService.Query(evtQuery);


        private static string GetCalendarFeed(AtomEntry calendarEntry)
           string feedstring = calendarEntry.Id.AbsoluteUri.Substring(63);
           return string.Format("{0}/private/full", feedstring);

Can anybody spot something anything wrong?

EDIT: It turns out StartTime/EndTime works correctly. I don't really understand what the difference is though and i can't seem to find anything in the docs.

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I just had to use StartTime/EndTime instead. Still don't know when to use StartDate and EndDate instead, but that did solve my issue.

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