
How can we find a specific file type under a path? I have checked MSBuild Task Reference but couldn't figure out.

Looking for something as:

<FindUnderPath Path="$(OutDir)"  Files="*.txt">
    <Output TaskParameter="InPath" ItemName="AllTxtFiles"/>

But it fails sayings "MSB3541: Files has invalid value "*.txt""

P.S. I am a rookie at msbuild tasks!

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Solution 2

You could use an ItemGroup to specify such files and reference the ItemGroup in the Files parameter. Something like:

    <MyFiles Include="*.txt" />
<FindUnderPath Path="$(OutDir)" Files="@(MyFiles)">
    <Output TaskParameter="InPath" ItemName="AllTxtFiles" />         



If you just need list of all txt files in certain folder you can get it as simple as

    <AllTxtFiles Include="$(PathToFolder)\**\*.txt" />

Double stars (**) means that folder should be searched recursively for file pattern

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