
I have a directory B inside directory A, which resides in a directory included in PYTHONPATH.

Now lets say that within directory B i have files -,, with each file defining a single function (i.e. defines B_file_1).

I want to use this collection of files as a python package. But now when I want to use the method B_file_1, I have to write this long statement:

from A.B.B_file_1 import B_file_1

What I would like is to have the convenience of simply writing this instead, (while maintaing the directory and file setup I currently have):

from A.B import B_file_1

Is there any python module hack to do this?

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Add this code in A/B/

from B_file_1 import B_file_1


Yes. You can import your modules inside of the file in the B folder:

__all__ = ('B_file_1',)

from B_file_1 import B_file_1

Now, your second import statement will work.

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