
When we use cscope to go to definition of a symbol in vim, lots of candidates may be shown in result window. I'd like to perform searching within the window to find what I need quickly. But search function (/) doesn't seem to work in result window, only a few keys are available, j,k,gg,G, etc.

Is there anyway to search in cscope result window? Or can anyone share some experiences with how to work more efficiently in such a situation.


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You can use the following:

" Filter the quickfix list
function! FilterQFList(type, action, pattern)
    " get current quickfix list
    let s:curList = getqflist()
    let s:newList = []
    for item in s:curList
        if a:type == 0     " filter on file names
            let s:cmpPat = bufname(item.bufnr)
        elseif a:type == 1 " filter by line content
            let s:cmpPat = item.text . item.pattern
        if item.valid
            if a:action < 0
                " Keep only nonmatching lines
                if s:cmpPat !~ a:pattern
                    let s:newList += [item]
                " Keep only matching lines
                if s:cmpPat =~ a:pattern
                    let s:newList += [item]
    call setqflist(s:newList)

Then define four mappings (replace ø with something that fits for you, mine start with ð which I think might be unavailable on your keyboard) that map respectively to:

nnoremap ø :call FilterQFList(0, -1, inputdialog('Remove file names matching:', ''))<CR>
nnoremap ø :call FilterQFList(0, 1, inputdialog('Keep only file names matching:', ''))<CR>
nnoremap ø :call FilterQFList(1, -1, inputdialog('Remove all lines matching:', ''))<CR>
nnoremap ø :call FilterQFList(1, 1, inputdialog('Keep only lines matching:', ''))<CR>

This way you can filter your quickfix list with any pattern (you have the power of vim reg.exps). Use :cnewer and :colder to jump through previous quickfix lists.

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