
I need to get the date/time when the revision was commited, Now I can get last revision but not finding how to get the date and time when this revision created. This is my code now.

Int32 LastRevision;
var workingCopyClient = new SvnWorkingCopyClient();
SvnWorkingCopyVersion version;
workingCopyClient.GetVersion(RootFolder, out version);
LastRevision = version.End;
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Have you tried using the SvnClient class? There's a couple of options you have with that:

Firstly: How to get latest revision number from SharpSVN?

or this:

using (SvnClient client = new SvnClient())    
    Collection<SvnLogEventArgs> logEventArgs;
    SvnLogArgs logArgs = new SvnLogArgs
            Limit = 1

    client.GetLog(target, logArgs, out logEventArgs);

    DateTime revisionTime = logEventArgs[0].Time;
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