
For example, given a date 13/09/2013(it is Saturday), how can I know what day it is in code? are there some methods in NSCalendar or NSdate can calculate this for me?

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You can use a DateFormatter to get the day of the week for a specific date as a string. You can also use NSDateComponents to get an integer value that represents the day of week.

See this SO post and answers...


You can also (but I'm not sure if it's better in any way) get the weekday component and names from the calendar.

NSDate *yourDate     = [NSDate date];
NSCalendar *calendar = [NSCalendar currentCalendar];
NSDateComponents *weekdayComponent = 
    [calendar components:NSWeekdayCalendarUnit

NSString *dayName = calendar.weekdaySymbols[weekdayComponent.weekday-1];

NSLog(@"today is %@", dayName); // Output: today is Thursday
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