
In JUnit, you can create test suites like so:

public class SecurityTest1 {
    public void testSecurity1() {
        // ...

public class LoadTest1 {
    public void testLoad1() {
        // ...

public class SecurityTest2 {
    public void testSecurity2() {
        // ...

@SuiteClasses({SecurityTest1.class, SecurityTest2.class})
public class SecurityTestSuite {}

But this seems rather cumbersome. It would be so nice to define a simple class-level annotation:

public @interface SecurityTest {} 

And then define your suite like so:

public class SecurityTest1 {
    public void testSecurity1() {
        // ...

public class LoadTest1 {
    public void testLoad1() {
        // ...

public class SecurityTest2 {
    public void testSecurity2() {
        // ...

public class SecurityTestSuite {}

Is this possible? If so how? Note: not interested in switching to TestNG or any other test framework if JUnit does not support this...thanks in advance!

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You can do it by implementing your own Test Runner similar to the Suite runner.

This runner should extract the marker annotation class from the value of the @SuiteClasses annotation (you should probably replace @SuiteClasses with your own annotation). Take a look at the getAnnotatedClasses method of the org.junit.runners.Suite class.
After having the marker annotation class, you should scan the classpath for test classes marked with this annotation (use a library such as Reflections) and pass an array of them to the appropriate Runner constructor.
You can find a similar behavior in the Suite constructor:

public Suite(Class<?> klass, RunnerBuilder builder) throws InitializationError {
   this(builder, klass, getAnnotatedClasses(klass));
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