
I am trying to figure out how to best query in NHibernate so that the returned results are between for entries where todays time is >= PublishDateTime and <=ExpiryDateTime

The expiry date can be null so I need to allow for that. I found a couple of examples here and here but they seem to work in a different way and accept 2 values and compare to one DB field. I want the other way wrong really.

Query so far:

var query = _session.CreateCriteria<Message>()
                return query;

Any suggestions would be greatly received!

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Easiest Linq query:

return _session.Query<Message>()
               .Where(m => DateTime.Today >= m.PublishDateTime &&
                          (m.ExpiryDateTime == null ||
                           DateTime.Now <= m.ExpiryDateTime)
               .OrderByDescending(m => m.PublishDateTime)


return _session.CreateCriteria<Message>()
               .Add(Restrictions.Le("PublishedDateTime", DateTime.Today) & 
                                    (Restrictions.IsNull("ExpiryDateTime") |


In c# :

          var formato = "dd/MM/yyyy h:mm:ss";
            var sDesde = DateTime.Now.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy") + " 0:00:00";
            var sHasta = DateTime.Now.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy h:mm:ss");

            Viaje vDesde = new Viaje { Viajefecha = DateTime.ParseExact(sDesde, formato , null) };
            Viaje vHasta = new Viaje { Viajefecha = DateTime.ParseExact(sHasta, formato, null) };

            StringWriter strWriter = new StringWriter();
            var resultado = cp.sesion.CreateCriteria<Viaje>().Add(Expression.Between("Viajefecha", vDesde.Viajefecha, vHasta.Viajefecha)).AddOrder(Order.Asc("Viajefecha")).List<Viaje>();
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