
I have a reporting component in the administrator of a Joomla site. The user can choose from a dropdown list of available report types, which then calls a function to run the query and output a CSV file. For the most part this works. However, for one report, I'm getting a different number of results through the Joomla function than I do if I run the query directly in mySQL. I added an error_log to see what was happening, and it appears as if the query is running twice. (Maybe.)

Here's the code that calls the function:

function getFullRedeemActivity($start, $end){

    return getReportFullRedeemActivityByDate("v.UpdateDT", strtotime($start),strtotime($end));


$start and $end are passed in; no problems there. The issue is in the getReportFullRedeemActivityByDate function. Here's the code for that:

function getReportFullRedeemActivityByDate($start, $end, $limitStart=null, $limitRows=null){
    //open db
    $db =& JFactory::getDBO();
    $where = ($low && $high) ? " and v.UpdateDT between ".$db->quote($low)." and ".$db->quote($high) : "";
     $sort = "v.UpdateDT";
     $limit = (is_int($limitStart) && is_int($limitRows)) ? " limit ".$db->quote($limitstart).", ".$db->quote($limitRows) : "";

    //set query
    $query = "select    r.RedeemAmt,
            v.VoucherNbr, v.BalanceInit, v.UpdateDT, v.BalanceCurrent, 
    m.SkuAbbr, m.MerchantNm,,,, a.address1, a.address2,, a.state,,

            from arrc_RedeemActivity r
            left outer join arrc_Voucher v on v.VoucherID = r.VoucherID
            left outer join arrc_Merchant m on m.MerchantID = r.MerchantID
            left outer join jos_customers_addresses a on = r.AcctID
            order by {$sort} {$limit}";

    if (!$db->query()) error_log($db->stderr());

    if (!$db->getNumRows()){
        JError::raiseWarning( 100, 'No records returned' );
        return false;
        error_log("there are ". $db->getNumRows()." rows");

    //loop out records into array
    foreach ($db->loadAssocList() as $row){
        $data[$row['BalanceCurrent']] = $row;
        return $data;

When I look at my error_log, what I see is:

[Tue Oct 19 09:37:30 2010] [error] [client] there are 5 rows, referer:
[Tue Oct 19 09:37:30 2010] [error] [client] there are 2 rows, referer:

Just like that; one after the other. Given that the line that prints that out is not inside a loop, I can't figure out why it's apparently running through that section twice.

Any ideas?

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It turns out that not all records being returned had a value in the BalanceCurrent column, so when the foreach hit this line:

 $data[$row['BalanceCurrent']] = $row;

it wasn't creating a row for those records. I switched the field name to one of the id columns that all rows definitely have, and everything's fine.

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