
I have identified some long running pytest tests with

py.test --durations=10

I would like to instrument one of those tests now with something like line_profiler or cprofile. I really want to get the profile data from the test itself as the pytest setup or tear down could well be part of what is slow.

However given how line_profiler or cprofile is typically involved it isn't clear to me how to make them work with pytest.

No correct solution


Run pytest like this:

python3 -m cProfile -o profile -m pytest

You can even pass in optional arguments:

python3 -m cProfile -o profile -m pytest tests/worker/ -s campaigns

This will create a binary file called profile in your current directory. This can be analyzed with pstats:

import pstats
p = pstats.Stats('profile')

This will print the 50 lines with the longest cumulative duration.

To get cProfile and line_profiler to work with py.test code, I did two things:

  1. Extended the py.test test code with a call to pytest.main(), which made it executable with the python interpreter as the main driver:

    @profile # for line_profiler only
    def test_example():
        x = 3**32
        assert x == 1853020188851841
    # for profiling with cProfile and line_profiler
    import pytest

    Now you can run this test without py.test as the main driver using other tools:

    $ -l
    $ python -m line_profiler


    $ python -m cProfile
  2. To profile py.test-specific functions such as pytest_funcarg*() with line_profiler I split them in two to avoid confusion between py.test and line_profiler:

    def pytest_funcarg__foo(request):
        return foo(request)
    def foo(request):

The same method works for memory_profiler.

Have you tried the pytest-profiling plugin?

I recently wrote pytest-line-profiler that may be useful. It's not battle tested, so please give me feedback (and help).

This also works with pyinstrument:

pyinstrument -m pytest
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