
Here i am trying to extract phone no. from emails

                            <td height=3D"20" valign=3D"bottom" style=3D"font-s=
    ize:10px; color:#817f80;padding:0px;margin:0px;">1-877-435-2623 | Mon-Fri 8=
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hello world its my no. 03005134012







using regex

 ?(\d|\+)(\+|\d|\(|\)|-| |\.){7,25} ?

but i want to ignore matches found in these strings



Try Any better regular expression ???
Explanation to my RegEx: ?(\d|\+)(\+|\d|\(|\)|-| |\.){7,25} ?

  1. start catching no. when a space or not a space is detected only.
  2. start matching if first is 0-9 or + match any character in (+|\d|(|)|-| |.)
  3. 7,25 because mini length of phone no. is 7 and
  4. max around 25 including whitespaces and - etc
Was it helpful?


Try using some word boundaries \b:

(?:\b\d|\+)(?:\+|\d|\(|\)|-| |\.){7,25}\b

And I turned the capture groups into non-capturing groups. If you only need the whole number, I don't think that you need capture groups.

\b matches when there is a 'word' character followed by a 'non-word' character or vice versa (i.e. either \w\W or \W\w).

regex101 demo.

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