
In ADO.NET i'm using GetSchemaTable to return the schema table for a results set.

DataTable schema = rdr.GetSchemaTable();
gridSchema.DataSource = schema;

Unfortunatly the "ProviderType" value is displaying as an integer, rather than the OleDbType enumeration value that it is:

ProviderType     Desired Display Value
============     =====================
129              Char
3                Integer
129              Char
129              Char
3                Integer
3                Integer
129              Char
135              DBTimeStamp
129              Char
129              Char

All these integers are the the enumeration values for the OleDbType enumeration:

public enum OleDbType
    Empty = 0,
    SmallInt = 2,
    Integer = 3,
    Single = 4,
    Double = 5,
    Currency = 6,
    Date = 7,
    BSTR = 8,
    IDispatch = 9,
    Error = 10,
    Boolean = 11,
    Variant = 12,
    IUnknown = 13,
    Decimal = 14,
    TinyInt = 16,
    UnsignedTinyInt = 17,
    UnsignedSmallInt = 18,
    UnsignedInt = 19,
    BigInt = 20,
    UnsignedBigInt = 21,
    Filetime = 64,
    Guid = 72,
    Binary = 128,
    Char = 129,
    WChar = 130,
    Numeric = 131,
    DBDate = 133,
    DBTime = 134,
    DBTimeStamp = 135,
    PropVariant = 138,
    VarNumeric = 139,
    VarChar = 200,
    LongVarChar = 201,
    VarWChar = 202,
    LongVarWChar = 203,
    VarBinary = 204,
    LongVarBinary = 205,

i want to display the data type as something human readable, rather than an integer.

i've tried looping through the schema DataTable and modify the values inside the DataTable:

DataTable schema = rdr.GetSchemaTable();

//Change providerType column to be readable
foreach (DataRow row in schema.Rows)
   OleDbType t = (OleDbType)row["ProviderType"];
   row["ProviderType"] = t.ToString();

gridSchema.DataSource = schema;

But that throws an exception:

Column 'ProviderType' is read only.

i even looked at the GridView's RowDataBound event, thinking i could change the value as it is rendered:

protected void gridSchema_RowDataBound(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e)
   //todo: magic

But it doesn't look like you can play with rendered values.

Can anyone suggest a nice way to much with the value of the ProviderType column so that it is human readable when i display it to humans?


The workaround i'm using right now is tack an extra column on the end:

DataTable schema = rdr.GetSchemaTable();

schema.Columns.Add("OleDbDataType", typeof(String));
schema.Columns.Add("CLRDataType", typeof(String));
foreach (DataRow row in schema.Rows)
   //Show the actual provider type
   OleDbType t = (OleDbType)row["ProviderType"];
   row["OleDbDataType"] = t.ToString();

   //Show the corresponding CLR type while we're doing a hack
   row["CLRDataType"] = row["DataType"].ToString();

gridSchema.DataSource = schema;
Was it helpful?


I might be completely off here, but can't you just set the ReadOnly property of the column to false? Like:

schema.Columns["ProviderType"].ReadOnly = false;

Afterwards you might get a columntype problem as you're trying to put a string value into a integer column. But this should get you into the right direction.


Solving the columntype issue:

DataTable newTable = schema.Clone();
newTable.Columns["ProviderType"].DataType = typeof(string);

foreach (DataRow dr in schema.Rows)
    DataRow newRow = newTable.NewRow();
    // fill newRow with correct data and newly formatted providertype



Or you could create an object with all the fields from the datatable, pass all the data into your object and modify it or create a read only field that returns the string acording to the integer given.

GridView and other also accept object arrays as datasources so it is automatic.

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