
I have a big lump of binary data in a char[] array which I need to interpret as an array of packed 6-bit values.

I could sit down and write some code to do this but I'm thinking there has to be a good extant class or function somebody has written already.

What I need is something like:

int get_bits(char* data, unsigned bitOffset, unsigned numBits);

so I could get the 7th 6-bit character in the data by calling:

const unsigned BITSIZE = 6;
char ch = static_cast<char>(get_bits(data, 7 * BITSIZE, BITSIZE));
Was it helpful?


This may not work for sizes greater than 8, depending on endian system. It's basically what Marco posted, though I'm not entirely sure why he'd gather one bit at a time.

int get_bits(char* data, unsigned int bitOffset, unsigned int numBits) {
    numBits = pow(2,numBits) - 1; //this will only work up to 32 bits, of course
    data += bitOffset/8;
    bitOffset %= 8;
    return (*((int*)data) >> bitOffset) & numBits;  //little endian
    //return (flip(data[0]) >> bitOffset) & numBits; //big endian

//flips from big to little or vice versa
int flip(int x) {
    char temp, *t = (char*)&x;
    temp = t[0];
    t[0] = t[3];
    t[3] = temp;
    temp = t[1];
    t[1] = t[2];
    t[2] = temp;
    return x;


I think something in the line of the following might work.

int get_bit(char *data, unsigned bitoffset) // returns the n-th bit
    int c = (int)(data[bitoffset >> 3]); // X>>3 is X/8
    int bitmask = 1 << (bitoffset & 7);  // X&7 is X%8
    return ((c & bitmask)!=0) ? 1 : 0;

int get_bits(char* data, unsigned bitOffset, unsigned numBits)
    int bits = 0;
    for (int currentbit = bitOffset; currentbit < bitOffset + numBits; currentbit++)
        bits = bits << 1;
        bits = bits | get_bit(data, currentbit);
    return bits;

I've not debugged nor tested it, but you can use it as a start point.

Also, take into account bit order. You might want to change

    int bitmask = 1 << (bitoffset & 7);  // X&7 is X%8


    int bitmask = 1 << (7 - (bitoffset & 7));  // X&7 is X%8

depending on how the bit array has been generated.

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