
In my application I want to provide the user with a small undo functionality. There aren't many actions than can be undone by the user. Particularly the actions are:

  • Add notes to an object
  • Color an object
  • Tag a objcet with a string

Now I thought about how to implement this. I first thought of a Action Class that is the abstract base class for the 3 different actions that can be taken by the user. Every time the user takes on of these actions, a new appropriate instance of a subclass of this abstract Action class is created and inserted into a list that contains all actions.

Whenever the user wants to undo something, the list is displayed to the user and he can choose which action he want to undo.

Now I was thinking what has to be stored in such an action object:

  • the state of the object before the action
  • the actual action that was taken (e.g. the string that was added to a object's notes)

I'm not sure if this is enough. I also thought about something like a chronological ordering, but this should be necessary since the list can be maintained chronologically correct.

Are there any other things I should consider?

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Undo/redo is commonly implemented with the Command Pattern. The Action class can be used as the basis for this, but you need a 'do' action and an 'undo' action within each command. Here is an example of this in practice. You should probably store the commands executed in a stack as it makes it much easier to implement and much easier for the user to follow.


You could do something simple like this:

Stack<Action> undoStack = new Stack<Action>();    

void ChangeColor(Color color)
    var original = this.Object.Color;
    undoStack.Push(() => this.Object.Color = original);
    this.Object.Color = color;

you should implement the Command Pattern for every action you want undo:

how to implement undo/redo operation without major changes in program

All seems correct, but I'd rather use stack than list. It will be useful in chronological ordering aspect.

For Correct and proven implememtation for UNDO functionality is Command Pattern

Its hard to overlook this Simple-Undo-redo-library-for-Csharp-NET when adding Undo/Redo functionality to existing projects.

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