
Following is the query i am trying to run.

SELECT p_date,TS.substationid,ts.substationcode,ts.manufacturingproductid,ts.assemblylineid,ts.teamid,ts.subofficecode,
TA.AllowID,ta.allowname,ta.minbenchmark,ta.maxbenchmark,COUNT(vfp.UnitsPass) Achieved,
            CASE TA.RewardType 
                    WHEN 'Monthly' THEN 
                WHEN 'Yearly' THEN
                          TA.RewardValue/((STR_TO_DATE(CONCAT(EXTRACT(YEAR FROM P_Date),1,1),'%Y%m%d')) /(STR_TO_DATE(CONCAT(EXTRACT(YEAR FROM P_Date),12,31), '%Y%m%d')))
                WHEN 'Daily' THEN
                 END-- , 0) 
                 AS Allowance
FROM tempsubstation ts
LEFT JOIN TempAllowances ta ON ts.manufacturingproductid=ta.manufacturingproductid AND ts.subofficecode=ta.subofficecode
LEFT JOIN wms_vfproduction vfp ON DATE(vfp.CreationDate)=p_date AND vfp.StationCode='1600150'
WHERE ta.AllowID=41 AND vfp.UnitsPass=1
 GROUP BY p_date,substationcode
 HAVING COUNT(vfp.UnitsPass) BETWEEN ta.minbenchmark AND ta.maxbenchmark

Adding having with between starts returning empty results.while when i was comparing it with hard coded values it returns results (again, without between). to keep it generalized i cant use hard coded values and it does not work with between even if i give it hard coded values.

UPDATE: Having does not work with between because it already selects a result set with a range where the max is less than the result of COUNT(). However, there is always at least one range with its max greater than the result of COUNT().

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what i was doing wrong was not grouping the result set by ta.minbenchmark and ta.maxbenchmark. hence it would only get the results for the first min-max pair it finds technically making the having clause ineffective. So the correct query would be as follows (for anyone making the same mistake):

SELECT p_date,TS.substationid,ts.substationcode,ts.manufacturingproductid,ts.assemblylineid,ts.teamid,ts.subofficecode,
TA.AllowID,ta.allowname,ta.minbenchmark,ta.maxbenchmark,COUNT(vfp.UnitsPass) Achieved,
            CASE TA.RewardType 
                    WHEN 'Monthly' THEN 
                WHEN 'Yearly' THEN
                          TA.RewardValue/((STR_TO_DATE(CONCAT(EXTRACT(YEAR FROM P_Date),1,1),'%Y%m%d')) /(STR_TO_DATE(CONCAT(EXTRACT(YEAR FROM P_Date),12,31), '%Y%m%d')))
                WHEN 'Daily' THEN
                 END-- , 0) 
                 AS Allowance
FROM tempsubstation ts
LEFT JOIN TempAllowances ta ON ts.manufacturingproductid=ta.manufacturingproductid AND ts.subofficecode=ta.subofficecode
LEFT JOIN wms_vfproduction vfp ON DATE(vfp.CreationDate)=p_date AND vfp.StationCode='1600150'
WHERE ta.AllowID=41 AND vfp.UnitsPass=1
 GROUP BY p_date,substationcode,ta.minbenchmark,ta.maxbenchmark
  HAVING COUNT(vfp.UnitsPass) BETWEEN ta.minbenchmark AND ta.maxbenchmark


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