
I'm trying to create an Azure CDN and cannot find the option to do in the new Azure portal.

According to other sources, there is supposed to be a CDN option under the New -> App Services menu like so:

enter image description here

But when I log into the portal, this CDN option is missing. This is what I see:

enter image description here

Does this have anything to do with my subscription? I'm using a "3-month Free Trial".

Updating to include a screen shot of my left pane options. No CDN!

enter image description here

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I finally have the answer why the CDN menu option doesn't appear.

The following from Windows Azure Technical support:

"We’re in the process of building out our next generation Windows Azure Content Delivery Network (CDN) architecture, and during this time we are no longer accepting new CDN customers.

With the CDN functionality having recently transitioned to the new Azure management portal, we have enabled it automatically only for customers who were using CDN in the old management portal, so they can continue to manage their CDN configurations. For everyone else, the CDN feature is not enabled in the new portal.

We highly encourage you to wait until we’re ready building our next generation Azure CDN service."


Should be on the left menu - but then this is an enterprise account: enter image description here and just confirmed there is no CDN option on my personal account - hmmmm...

Good morning

As far as I know their is no 'Enterprise' account, I have multiple logins ranging from MSDN, partners etc and all have the same features. The only difference is when you register for preview services.

On the left hand side in the new portal (light blue bar ) you should see the following items -

All Items Web Sites Virtual Machines Mobile Servces Cloud Services SQL Databases Storage HDInsight Media Services Service Bus Cache Recover Services SQL Reporting CDN ************* Networks Traffic Manager Management Services Active Directory Add-Ons

Do you see the same, can you see CDN highlighted above


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