
Upgrading to UrbanAirship 3.0.0 with Xcode 5.0, I'm getting an error when calling this code:

[UAirship takeOff:config];

The error is

+[NSJSONSerialization stringWithObject:]: unrecognized selector sent to class 0x3b2ca9fc
2013-09-19 15:02:31.981 [178:60b] *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: '+[NSJSONSerialization stringWithObject:]: unrecognized selector sent to class 0x3b2ca9fc'

This doesn't seem to appear when setting the key "inProduction" to "YES" in the AirshipConfig.plist, which makes sense as calling takeOff: populates the instance of UAirShip. It seems to be due to the category NSJSONSerialization+UAAdditions.

Any help on this one? Thanks

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To fix this issue, you must include "-ObjC" flag in "Other Linker Flags" found in your projects build settings.

UAirship library 3.x now makes use of Objective-C categories so this flag must be set to avoid the runtime exception.

Details on the issue can be found here:

Updated the docs:


Doesn't seam to be happening with the source:

You must have included both the libraries:

  • libUAirship-3.0.0.a
  • libUAirship-iOS5-3.0.0.a

You have to use either of the library for respective iOS

After looking at different solutions, it turns out that this fixes the issue:

• Download sources from directly into your App folder (don't take .zip given on their website)

• Drag & drop the Airship folder in your Project (do not use the AirshipLib one)

Don't link any of the libUAirship-3.0.0.a or libUAirship-iOS5-3.0.0.a

• Boom. It's working.

Hope it'll help some others out there looking to fix this for ages.

Just to add, my problem was that I added -ObjC flag to the project, and it should be added to the target settings.

Also, if that does not compile, there is another option


Also should be added to the target. Fill the real path to your lib instead of <PathToYourLib>.

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