
We are considering using FakeItEasy to be our mocking framework.

To conduct a workshop for the team on FakeItEasy, I am looking for a good tutorial that explains this framework in much details. I tried looking at the documentation at github, but found it very succinct.

If you know a good elaborate page/video, could you please point me to it. Thanks.

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Have you looked at Patrik Hägne's sample/tutorial? It's a little old, but may help.

As you noticed, the documentation could use some fleshing out. We're working on it.

An alternative would be the PluralSight FakeItEasy course. I've watched it and thought it to be quite good. I think it's short enough to watch as part of their free trial.

Me, I was familiar with mocking concepts and just tried it out. The fluent syntax guided me along well enough. Try it - you may be pleasantly surprised.


I suggest you find a "general purpose" tutorial on Mocking and update it with FakeItEasy API. A while back I wrote simple tutorial using Moq & Isolator which is a good place to start:

This is the basic Mocking functionality that all Mocking frameworks share. There are other similar tutorials on the web - just Google it.

Remember that most of FakeItEasy functionality is available from the same entry point - "A.", just explore the API and the minimal documentation to find how are things done.

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