¿Por qué es este método vuelve nula a pesar de que el controlador subyacente puede ser burlado usando Mock Spocks' ()?

StackOverflow https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4671828


import grails.plugin.spock.*

class EventControllerSpec extends ControllerSpec {

    def "Creating a breadcrumb from an event"() {
        given: "I have a named event"
        def eventController = Mock(EventController)
        def event   = Mock(Event)
        event.title >> 'Space-Journey with Sprock and the Crew'
        event.title == 'Space-Journey with Sprock and the Crew'

        when: "I create a breadcrumb from it"
        def eventCrumb = eventController.createCrumb("Event", "show", "1", event.title)

        private Map createCrumb (String controllerName, String actionName, String id, String msg) {
        msg = (msg ? msg : "cr.breadcrumb.${controllerName}.${actionName}")
        [ 'controller':controllerName,

        then: "I receive a map where the message-value is the events' title"
        eventCrumb.message == event.title

Nota El método comentado que está en el EventController

  1. ¿Por qué la causa fragmento " No se puede obtener la propiedad 'mensaje' de objeto nulo "?
  2. ¿Cómo puedo configurar el fragmento correctamente?
  3. En general, a / a, no me necesitar cualquiera de los mockTagLib , mockController , mockLogging GrailsUnitTestCase funciones al utilizar Spock ?
¿Fue útil?


If you are unit testing a controller there is a convention which automatically sets the controller up for you. Just refer to the controller in your test as follows;

import grails.plugin.spock.*

class EventControllerSpec extends ControllerSpec {

  def "Creating a breadcrumb from an event"() {
    given: "I have a named event"
    def event = Mock(Event)
    event.title >> 'Space-Journey with Sprock and the Crew'

    when: "I create a breadcrumb from it"
    def eventCrumb = controller.createCrumb("Event", "show", "1", event.title)

    private Map createCrumb (String controllerName, String actionName, String id, String msg) {
    msg = (msg ? msg : "cr.breadcrumb.${controllerName}.${actionName}")
    [ 'controller':controllerName,

    then: "I receive a map where the message-value is the events' title"
    eventCrumb.message == event.title

You don't need to explicitly mock the controller as ControllerSpec does it for you, however, you may need to mock other elements that your controller is using. Sometimes it is sufficient to add these through the controller's metaclass

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