
Quiero crear vista indizada MyView con tal de T-SQL

    o.Theme_ID as Theme_ID,
    DATEADD(day, DATEDIFF(day, 0, o.Object_CreationDate), 0) as Objext_CreationDate,
    Count_BIG(*) as ObjectCount,   o.Object_Tonality from [dbo].Object o
inner join [dbo].Theme t on o.Theme_ID = t.Theme_ID
inner join [dbo].[ThemeWorkplace] tw on t.Theme_ID = tw.Theme_ID
inner join [dbo].Workplace w on w.Workplace_ID = tw.Workplace_ID
 ... where t.Theme_DeletedMark = 0
 AND (w.Workplace_AccessType = 1 OR w.Workplace_AccessType = 8)
 AND Object_DeletedMark = 0 ...
 Group BY o.Theme_ID,o.Object_Tonality, DATEADD(day, DATEDIFF(day, 0, o.Object_CreationDate), 0)

Este T-SQL funciona bien y permite establecer un índice agrupado en MyView .

El problema es que la tabla ThemeWorkplace contiene varios registros con Theme_ID misma. Y aunque yo uso GROUP BY - me pongo en valor Object_Count que
es igual a: (valor Object_Count real) * recuento (Theme_ID en ThemeWorkplace).

No se puede utilizar la palabra DISTINCT en T-SQL, ya que en este caso es imposible crear el índice a la vista.

¿Qué es una sugerencia para obtener resultados correctos en mi opinión?

¿Fue útil?


As you've noted, there are significant restrictions on creating an indexed view. The techniques that might help you here, such as distinct or a subquery are prohibited. I think you'll need to sacrifice materializing the view in this particular case.

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