
Updated: code in JS

I borrowed auth (session) service from angular-app, and strongly modify it:

  angular.module('auth', [])
    .factory('session', ['$location', '$http', '$q', ($location, $http, $q) ->

      service =

        requestCurrentUser: ->
          if service.isAuthenticated()
            $q.when service.currentUser
            $http.get('/user').then (response) ->
              service.currentUser =

        currentUser: null

        isAuthenticated: ->
          not service.currentUser?


This is an app:

  BookReader = angular.module('BookReader', ['ngRoute', 'home', 'main', 'books', 'auth'])

    .config(['$routeProvider', '$httpProvider', '$locationProvider', ($routeProvider, $httpProvider, $locationProvider) ->
        .when '/',
          templateUrl: 'assets/tour.html'
          controller: 'MainCtrl'
        .when '/home',
          templateUrl: 'assets/main.html'
          controller: 'HomeCtrl'
        .when '/books',
          templateUrl: 'assets/books.html'
          controller: 'BooksCtrl'
    .run(['session', (session) ->

So, i guess, when the application starts the currentUser is requested (perhaps a controller starts working before the callback of the request, but the problem in other place). Next, Controllers:

angular.module('main', ['ngCookies'])
  .controller('MainCtrl', ['$scope', '$http', '$cookies', '$location', 'session', '$log',
    ($scope, $http, $cookies, $location, session, $log) ->
      $ "currentUser: " + session.currentUser + " ; isAuth: " + session.isAuthenticated()
      $location.path '/home' if session.isAuthenticated()

angular.module('home', ['ngCookies'])
  .controller('HomeCtrl', ['$scope', '$http', '$cookies', 'session', '$location', '$log'
    ($scope, $http, $cookies, session, $location, $log) ->
      $ "currentUser: " + session.currentUser + " ; isAuth: " + session.isAuthenticated()
      $location.path '/' unless session.isAuthenticated()

The point is that isAuthenticated() always false, but currentUser not null when a user is logged in. So, when i logged in $ shows currentUser: [object Object] ; isAuth: false and not only when the site just loaded, but when i'm navigating too. When i logged out it shows currentUser: null ; isAuth: false. Obviously, currentUser is always null inside the service. But how can i define it to be able change the value?

¿Fue útil?


You could use a watch function:

$scope.$watch(function() {
   return session.isAuthenticated();
 function() {
   $ "currentUser: " + session.currentUser + " ; isAuth: " + session.isAuthenticated()

Otros consejos

update isAuthenticated to

isAuthenticated: ->

although this is async you should use resolve in router.

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