
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soap="">
    <GetPracticeInformation xmlns="">

Could anyOne help me to pass boolean value,integer value and base64Binary value in the soap string…

I tried like

 NSString *uName = @"Name";
NSString *uPassWord = @"PassWord";
int val = 0;
NSMutableData *myData = [[NSMutableData alloc]initWithCapacity:65000];

NSString *soapMessage =[NSString stringWithFormat:@"<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\n"
"<soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi=\"\" xmlns:xsd=\"\" xmlns:soap=\"\">\n"
"<GetPracticeInformation xmlns=\"\">\n"

But In this case I am getting 0 byte response..

2013-10-15 15:19:34.262 SoapXML[1438:11303] DONE. Received Bytes: 0
2013-10-15 15:19:34.263 SoapXML[1438:11303] out put:  (null)
2013-10-15 15:19:34.265 SoapXML[1438:11303] Error while parsing the document: Error Domain=SMXMLDocumentErrorDomain Code=1 "Malformed XML document. Error at line 1:1." UserInfo=0x7690650 {LineNumber=1, ColumnNumber=1, NSLocalizedDescription=Malformed XML document. Error at line 1:1., NSUnderlyingError=0x7690540 "The operation couldn’t be completed. (NSXMLParserErrorDomain error 5.)"}

Is this proper way to pass values?How To pass Boolean value and base64Binary? ..Please help me.

¿Fue útil?


Change this line because boolean value requires int value so

<bDocument>%c</bDocument>\n  to <bDocument>%d</bDocument>\n

Otros consejos

I got the solution by passing result(ASCIIEncoding of mydata)

NSMutableData *mydata = [[NSMutableData alloc]initWithCapacity:65000];
    NSString *result= [[NSString alloc]initWithData:mydata encoding:NSASCIIStringEncoding];

In place of base64Binary,I passed the result string and I got The Response properly...

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