
This has been asked many times, but after trying all the solutions that I can find, I'm no closer towards a solution of my own.

I have a partial, _form - here's the relevant part:

<% @tournament.sub_tournaments.each do |sub| %>
  <%= f.fields_for :sub_tournaments, sub, :validate => false do |sub_form| %>
        <%= sub_form.fields_for :standings, :validate => false do |standings| %>
          <%= render 'tournaments/form_partials/standing_fields', f: standings, sub: sub %> #here's the problem
        <% end %>  
  <% end %>
<% end %>

In the marked line, I'm attempting to pass two variables to the given partial - f: standings and sub: sub. If I pass only f: standings, the page loads fine, but when I add sub: sub, I get the following error:

undefined local variable or method `sub'

which is referencing the following marked line in the _standing_fields partial:

  <td><%= f.hidden_field :_destroy %><%= f.text_field :standing, :class => "standing", readonly: true, :type => "" %></td>
  <% if Game::TEAM_GAMES.include? %> #here's the problem
    <td><%= f.grouped_collection_select(:team_division_id, Team.order(:name).includes(:team_divisions), :team_divisions, :name, :id, :game_name, include_blank: true)%></td>
  <% else %>
    <td><%= f.grouped_collection_select(:player_id, Player.order(:name).includes(:player), :player, :name, :id, :game_name, include_blank: true)%></td>
  <% end %>
  <td><span class="remove">Remove</span></td>

I can't think of what's going wrong, I've triple checked the syntax, spelling, commas, etc as well as restarting my redis server and the rails server as one solution suggested.

¿Fue útil?


You have to put the variables in a locals key:

<%= render 'tournaments/form_partials/standing_fields', locals: {f: standings, sub: sub} %>
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