
I'm creating a registration page for my webpage, what I want is people to get an activation mail but I'm not sure how to achieve this.

this is what my code that calls the database looks like

DBconnect dbcon = new DBconnect();
        if (dbcon.Checkmail(tbx_Remail.Text) == true)
            lbl_Remail.Text = "This email is already used";
            lbl_Remail.Text = "";
        if (tbx_Rpassword.Text == tbx_Rrenter.Text && lbl_Remail.Text!="")
            Mail mail = new Mail();
            Hashing hash = new Hashing();
            Account acc = new Account("user", tbx_Rname.Text, tbx_Rcity.Text, tbx_Rstate.Text, tbx_Remail.Text, tbx_Rpostal.Text, tbx_Radress.Text, tbx_Rtelephone.Text, hash.hashpass(tbx_Rpassword.Text, "asIoqc"));
            mail.ActivationEmail(tbx_Remail.Text, "test", tbx_Remail.Text);
            btn_Rreset_Click(this, new EventArgs());

my database is setup with a activation column, the default of this column is set at 1, when activation = 1 you aren't able to login.

here is what mail class looks like

public bool ActivationEmail(string username, string message, string email)
            MailMessage Message = new MailMessage();
            SmtpClient Smtp = new SmtpClient();
            System.Net.NetworkCredential SmtpUser = new System.Net.NetworkCredential();

            // Basis gegevens email
            Message.From = new MailAddress("", "");

            Message.To.Add(new MailAddress(email, username));
            Message.IsBodyHtml = true;

            // Gegevens onderwerp & Body
            Message.Subject = "Account Activation";
            Message.Body = message;

            // SMTP Auth, een emailadres welke is aangemaakt in het control panel
            SmtpUser.UserName = "xxx";
            SmtpUser.Password = "xxx";

            // Bericht verzenden
            Smtp.UseDefaultCredentials = false;
            Smtp.Credentials = SmtpUser;
            Smtp.Port = 80;
            Smtp.Host = "xxx";
            Smtp.DeliveryMethod = SmtpDeliveryMethod.Network;
            return true;
            return false;

I hope someone can help me with what I should do now, since I've never done this before.

¿Fue útil?


Here is how I solved it now,

in my database I created a column "activation" this column gets checked when you login, if it's 1 you can't login if it is 2 you can login. I also created a column "activationcde" this column saves the unique code that is created when you create a new account.

this is my code on serverside

 DBconnect dbcon = new DBconnect();
        if (dbcon.Checkmail(tbx_Remail.Text) == true)
            lbl_Remail.Text = "This email is already used";
            lbl_Remail.Text = "";
        if (tbx_Rpassword.Text == tbx_Rrenter.Text && lbl_Remail.Text=="")
            Mail mail = new Mail();
            Hashing hash = new Hashing();
            string confirmationcode = tbx_Rpostal.Text + tbx_Remail.Text;
            Account acc = new Account("user", tbx_Rname.Text, tbx_Rcity.Text, tbx_Rstate.Text, tbx_Remail.Text, tbx_Rpostal.Text, tbx_Radress.Text, tbx_Rtelephone.Text, hash.hashpass(tbx_Rpassword.Text, "asIoqc"));
            if (!mail.ActivationEmail(tbx_Remail.Text, "Dear " + tbx_Rname.Text + ", <br /><br />By pressing the link underneed you confirm you're account. <br /><a href=" + confirmationcode + ">Click here to confirm</a> <br /><br />Best regards,<br />The Management Team.", tbx_Remail.Text))
                dbcon.SetActivation(confirmationcode, tbx_Remail.Text);
            btn_Rreset_Click(this, new EventArgs());

and this is my code on the confirm page

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        DBconnect dbcon = new DBconnect();
        string confirm = Request.Params["Confirm"];
        if (dbcon.CheckActivation(confirm) == true)

Otros consejos

create table emailValidation(
userId int not null,
username varchar(250) not null,
emailaddress varchar(250) not null,
activationkey varchar(150) not null

above is the verification table

Function to send verification mail

Function sendVerifyEmail(userName)
    on error resume next
    ' Function used to send a verification code to the user's email address
    ' To Achieve that task we use DB Functions which get needed details 
    ' Process
    ' Kill the bad characters in userName
    ' Post the username to db for email id
    ' Format a new mail with new 10 digit random code
    if str_Result="N/A" then
        ' No username just end the code no more process
        ' create one random code 
        str_Randoms=generate_Password_Salt (10)
        ' insert the random number and the email to validate table
        sql_Insert_data="insert into validate(emailid,validationCode,authcode) values('" & emailAddress & "','" & str_Randoms & "','VRFYS')"
        set db_Validate=server.CreateObject ("ADODB.Connection")
        db_Validate.Open mysq_V_Constr
        set rs_Validate=db_Validate.Execute(sql_Insert_Data)
        set db_Validate=nothing
        ' get the standard format of verification mailer 
        ' it will be a text mailer
        if str_Result="DataInsertFinished" then
            ' You got mail body. Now send the mail using CDOSYS
            ' change the code when we are uploading
            'Response.Write str_mail_body

on error resume next
dim objMsg
dim objCfg
dim objFlds 
Set objMsg = CreateObject("CDO.Message")
set objCfg= CreateObject("CDO.Configuration")
Set objFlds = objCfg.Fields 

With objFlds
    .Item("") = "mailserver" 
    .Item("") = 60
    .Item("") = 2
    .Item("") = 25
    .Item ("") = 1
    .Item("") = "your email address" 'YOUR EMAIL USERNAME
    .Item("") = "email address password" 'YOUR EMAIL PASSWORD
End With

With objMsg
    Set .Configuration = objCfg
    .Subject = "Confirm your Free registration with Bepenfriends"
    .From = "Bepenfriends Dating <>"
    .To = emailaddress
    .HTMLBody = str_Mail_Body
    if err.number <> 0 then
        str_ERR_MSG=err.number & " " & err.Description 
    end if
End With 
set objFlds = Nothing
set objCfg = Nothing
set objMsg = Nothing 
        end if

    end if
    if err.number <> 0 then
        Response.Write err.number & err.Description 
    end if
End Function

Code to update the db in verify page

sql_Check_Login="update users set verified='1' where emailid='" & emailAddress & "'"
set rs2=db_checkLogin.Execute(sql_Check_login)

The above code was created some years ago for my free dating site. It is still working fine.

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