
SynEdit que no he usado durante un tiempo, pero hoy me encontré que necesitaba un editor bueno para un formulario con el apoyo de la escritura. Como fui a descargar SynEdit (que mi mente se había congelado en el tiempo como una "cosa segura") me encontré con que el autor original lo había abandonado. Soy consciente de que tiene una versión FreePascal SynEdit - y escucho existe una versión más reciente Unicode por ahí "en algún lugar" - pero ¿dónde exactamente puedo obtener la versión más reciente y mejor


Yo preferiría soporte Unicode si es posible, pero lo más importante es el soporte para un estilo dinámico (pudiendo añadir fichas para palabras clave de subrayado, un poco como Delphi hace cuando se accede a una variable de una clase que acaba de escribir).

¿Fue útil?

Solución has a link to the Unicode version.

Otros consejos

SynEdit is much faster than any other text editor component. See the comparison benchmark here.

Currently I'm developing a new IDE for Arduino (official one is lack too much standard IDE features) to contribute to Arduino community. Since I want my IDE to run natively without rely on any VM and cross-platform is not my goal, so I took my o'good friend Delphi 7 and search for updated SynEdit VCL. Slightly dissapointing is it still has no very important feature: code folding (which you can say as "standard code editor feature" nowdays).

But after a little search I've found a descendant project which based on SynEdit which feature code folding: Mystix (hosted at SourceForge). You can simply overwrite your previous SynEdit source with this one (there is no new dpk package to install). It's based on SynEdit 2.0.1 anyway.

Documentation is a little vague (you have to throughfully examine the source code to get idea how to use it properly), but here is hint how to use the code folding feature:

SynEdit1.CodeFolding.FolderBarColor: = clDefault; 
SynEdit1.CodeFolding.HighlighterFoldRegions: = False; 
SynEdit1.CodeFolding.FoldRegions.Add(rtChar, False, False, True, '{', '}');
SynEdit1.CodeFolding.FoldRegions.Add(rtKeyword, False, False, True, '/*', '*/');
// and don't forget to initialize...
// ... and enable it
SynEdit1.CodeFolding.Enabled: = True;

Mystix is released under same license as SynEdit (MPL).

I strongly recommend the use of Scintilla. It has all features you are looking for. It is much more capable and mature than SynEdit. The development of SynEdit decreased in the last yeast to almost standstill. The only problem of Scintilla is that the no one is updating the Delphi code that binds to it. The SourceForge project is not active anymore. You can find Delphi code in the following URLs:

Borland Delphi control wrapper for Scintilla and Delphi Components

The latter contains the most recent code. It is not difficult to update it to add recent features of Scintilla.

Licenciado bajo: CC-BY-SA con atribución
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