
In this case $self is a subclass of Wx::Frame and I can add controls, menus, etc to the frame. However I cannot add key events. I am using the following to add the key event:

  EVT_KEY_DOWN($self,  \&_process_char);

The _process_char function looks like this:

sub _process_char {
   my ($evt) = @_;
   warn 'key pressed';

The event doesn't fire. What am I doing wrong? How do I get key down events to work with wxperl?

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It has to do with event propagation -- a textctrl handles keydown/keyup events, and the default one (default textctrl handler) won't propagate these events UP to a frame. If you want your handler to be called bind to wxTheApp() or the textctrl. Here is an example where not all keys are propagated

#!/usr/bin/perl --
use strict; use warnings;
use Wx ();

Main( @ARGV );
exit( 0 );

sub Main {
    local $|  = 1;
    my $app   = Wx::SimpleApp->new;
    my $frame = Wx::Frame->new( undef, -1, "type stuff ", ([250,150])x2 );
    my $text  = Wx::TextCtrl->new( $frame, -1,"", );

    $app->SetTopWindow( $frame );

    my $target = @_ ? $frame : $text;
    Wx::Event::EVT_KEY_DOWN( $target ,  \&Frobnicate );
    Wx::Event::EVT_KILL_FOCUS($app,  sub{  Wx::wxTheApp()->ExitMainLoop });

    $app->{counter} = 0;

sub Frobnicate {
    my( $widget, $kev )=@_;
    my $app   = Wx::wxTheApp();
    my $count = $app->{counter}++;
    my $frame = $app->GetTopWindow;
    my $title = $frame->GetTitle;
    $title =~ s{\d*+$}{$count};
    $frame->SetTitle( $title );
    $kev->Skip if 0 == $count % 4; ## sometimes :P

Also, you call your handler _process_char but you use EVT_KEY_DOWN -- there is an EVT_CHAR just for chars :)

update: For notebook example replace (in above sample) around $text with

    my $noteb = Wx::Notebook->new( $frame );
    my $text  = Wx::TextCtrl->new( $noteb, -1,"", );
    $noteb->AddPage( $text, "you myst type stuff");
    Wx::Event::EVT_KEY_DOWN( $app,  \&Frobnicate );
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