
I'm trying to learn AngularJS. I'm try to make a simple authenticated get request to a REST api. At this point, i'm just trying to get a response back. I keep getting invalid key because I can't seem to send the headers properly.

angular.module('App', ['ngResource']);

function AppCtrl($scope, $resource){
$ = $resource('',
    {action:'My Parameter works fine!'}, 
    {method: 'GET'},
    {headers: 'auth-key' : 'key'});

I just can't seem to get the header to send. Thanks for reading.

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If you are using angular-resource 1.1.x+ the following should work:

angular.module('App', ['ngResource']);

function AppCtrl($scope, $resource){
    $ = $resource('',
        action:'My Parameter works fine!'
        get: {
          method: 'GET',
          headers : { 'auth-key' : 'key' }

If you are using 1.0.x branch this won't work. I believe the only alternative is to set global default headers in $httpProvider, or to user $http directly (not using $resource). Here's how you would set the headers globally:

$httpProvider.defaults.headers.get['auth-key'] = 'key';

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To avoid setting the header in every resource you could use an interceptor:

app.config(function($httpProvider) {
    $httpProvider.interceptors.push(function($q) {
        return {
            'request': function(config) {
            config.headers['auth-key'] = 'key';
                return $q.when(config);
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