
I have signed up for the Android Backup Service, and have been given a key to put in my AndroidManifest.xml. My application is open source, but I do not want to have the key publicly visible in my repository. How should I encrypt the key so that is decryptable only in my application?

¿Fue útil?


My application is open source, but I do not want to have the key publicly visible in my repository.

Put the key in a string resource, in a separate resource file (e.g., res/values/omg_do_not_commit_this_to_the_repo.xml). Then, do not commit that file to the repo (e.g., if you are using Git, add the file to .gitignore).

Otros consejos

AndroidManifest.xml does not support any form of encryption for your keys. You should simply not check it into the public repository to prevent it from being shared

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