
I have a FragmentActivity and I want to use a map fragment within it. I'm having a problem getting the support fragment manager to access it.

 if (googleMap == null) {
            googleMap = ((SupportMapFragment) getSupportFragmentManager()

            // check if map is created successfully or not
            if (googleMap == null) {
                        "Sorry! unable to create maps", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT)

            // create marker
            MarkerOptions marker = new MarkerOptions().position(
                    new LatLng(latitude, longitude)).title("Hello Maps ");

            CameraPosition cameraPosition = new CameraPosition.Builder()
                    .target(new LatLng(latitude, longitude)).zoom(15).build();


            // adding marker
¿Fue útil?


You can directly call


to get the fragment manager. Note that getFragmentManager() also works but has been marked as deprecated.

Otros consejos

All you need to do is using


method on your fragment. It will give you the support fragment manager, when you used it while adding this fragment.

Fragment Documentation

Simply get it like this -

getFragmentManager() // This will also give you the SupportFragmentManager or FragmentManager based on which Fragment class you have extended - OR



in your Fragment's onActivityCreated() method and any method that is being called after onActivityCreated().

Kotlin users try this answer

(activity as AppCompatActivity).supportFragmentManager

if you have this problem and are on api level 21+ do this:

   map = ((SupportMapFragment) getChildFragmentManager().findFragmentById(

this will get the map when used inside of a fragment.

The simple new way of doing it in kotlin


in java you can replace with


in kotlin, make it simple by


hope it help :)

getFragmentManager() has been deprecated in favor of getParentFragmentManager() to make it clear that you want to access the fragment manager of the parent instead of any child fragments.

Simply use getParentFragmentManager() in Java or parentFragmentManager in Kotlin.

My Parent Activity extends AppCompatActivity so I had to cast my context to AppCompatActivity instead of just Activity.


FragmentAddProduct fragmentAddProduct = FragmentAddProduct.newInstance();
FragmentTransaction fragmentTransaction = ((AppCompatActivity)mcontext).getSupportFragmentManager().beginTransaction();

You can use getActivity().getSupportFragmentManager() anytime you want to getSupportFragmentManager.

hierarchy is Activity -> fragment. fragment is not capable of directly calling getSupportFragmentManger but Activity can . Thus, you can use getActivity to call the current activity which the fragment is in and get getSupportFragmentManager()

((AppCompatActivity) getActivity()).getSupportFragmentManager()

do this in your fragment


getActivity().getFragmentManager() This worked or me.

Also take a look at here.

The following code does the trick for me

 SupportMapFragment mapFragment = ((SupportMapFragment) getChildFragmentManager().findFragmentById(;

You can use childFragmentManager inside Fragments.

You can simply access like

Context mContext;

public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater,
                             @Nullable ViewGroup container, @Nullable Bundle savedInstanceState) {

mContext = getActivity();


and then use

FragmentManager fm = ((FragmentActivity) mContext)

Some Kotlin code to use supportFragmentManager inside a Fragment.

  override fun onCreateView(
      inflater: LayoutInflater,
      container: ViewGroup?,
      savedInstanceState: Bundle?

  ): View? {

    super.onCreateView(inflater, container, savedInstanceState)
    val rootView = inflater.inflate(R.layout.fragment_home, container, false)

    // ....

    if (rootView.home_play_btn != null) {

      rootView.home_play_btn.setOnClickListener {
        val fragment: BaseFragment = ListFragment.newInstance()
        val fragManager: FragmentManager = (activity as AppCompatActivity).supportFragmentManager
            .replace(, fragment, TAG).commit()


Try this:

private SectionsPagerAdapter mSectionsPagerAdapter = new SectionsPagerAdapter(getActivity().getSupportFragmentManager());

getSupportFragmentManager() used when you are in activity and want to get a fragment but in the fragment you can access


by use another method called getFragmentMangaer() works the same like getSupportFragmentManager() and you can use it like you used to:

fragmentTransaction =getFragmentManager().beginTransaction();

Best way to get fragmentManager inside of a fragment is to call the new method


or use the property access syntax in kotlin files


this specifies the fragmentManager that is to be loaded (choosing between child and parent fragments )

I use this code and it's work:

val profileFragment = ProfileFragment()
val fragmentManager = parentFragmentManager
fragmentManager.beginTransaction().apply {
                            replace(, profileFragment,

the is the main layout that you used. if you used main activity, then you can give id for the layout.

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