
Tengo este código en el método externo llamada.

callExternalMethodActivity1_MethodInvoking private void (object sender, EventArgs e)


callExternalMethodActivitysitename = twInfo.Code;

callExternalMethodActivityurl = workflowProperties.WebUrl;


y el método en el servicio de flujo de trabajo de acoplamiento activo tiene:

CreateTrainingSite pública vacío (cadena de nombre de sitio, cadena URL) { // código aquí }

Cuando entro en el primer método de las propiedades están llenos, sin embargo cuando me paso en el segundo método de las variables son nulos.

Por favor, ayuda


espacio de nombres TrainingApprovalSiteWorkflow {

public interface ITrainingSiteCreationService
    event EventHandler<CommunicationObjArgs> MessageIn;
    void CreateTrainingSite(string sitename, string url);

public class CommunicationObjArgs : ExternalDataEventArgs
    public CommunicationObjArgs(Guid id) : base(id) { }
    public string webID;

class StateObject
    public SPWeb web;
    public Guid instanceId;
    public StateObject(Guid instanceId, SPWeb web)
        this.instanceId = instanceId;
        this.web = web;

class TrainingSiteCreationService : SPWorkflowExternalDataExchangeService, ITrainingSiteCreationService
    public event EventHandler<CommunicationObjArgs> MessageIn;

    public void CreateTrainingSite(string sitename, string url)
        ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(delegate(object state)
            StateObject sObject = state as StateObject;
            string webID = string.Empty;
            using (SPSite siteCollection = new SPSite(url))
                using (SPWeb web = siteCollection.OpenWeb())
                    using (SPWeb trainingWeb = web.Webs.Add(sitename))
                        trainingWeb.Description = "This site is created by a pluggable workflow service.";
                        trainingWeb.Title = sitename;
                        webID = trainingWeb.ID.ToString();

            RaiseEvent(sObject.web, sObject.instanceId,
                "MessageIn", new object[] { webID });
        }, new StateObject(WorkflowEnvironment.WorkflowInstanceId,

    public override void  CallEventHandler(Type eventType, string eventName, object[] eventData, SPWorkflow workflow, string identity, IPendingWork workHandler, object workItem)
        var msg = new CommunicationObjArgs(workflow.InstanceId);
        msg.webID = eventData[0].ToString();
        msg.WorkHandler = workHandler;
        msg.WorkItem = workItem;
        msg.Identity = identity;
        this.MessageIn(null, msg);

    public override void CreateSubscription(MessageEventSubscription subscription)
        throw new NotImplementedException();

    public override void DeleteSubscription(Guid subscriptionId)
        throw new NotImplementedException();


¿Fue útil?

Solución 2

I was able to find the problem.

On the onworkflow activated Invoking method I was setting another fields,

and no these

callExternalMethodActivitysitename = twInfo.Code;

callExternalMethodActivityurl = workflowProperties.WebUrl;

so, when it gets to the call external method, they were blank, too obvius after looking it very detailed.

Otros consejos

I would suggest you to create a custom business object which has these two properties. Further you need to make this object serializable and use this object to communicate with the method in your workflow service.

I did something like this yestarday and it works like a charm when you need to supply multiple parameters to your WF service.

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