
he tenido mi blackbook para un poco más de 4 años y creo que es hora de actualizar a un nuevo MacBook Pro. Actualmente estoy ejecutando leopardo en el blackbook con la máquina del tiempo. Me pregunto si la máquina del tiempo es la forma correcta de mover los datos de mi viejo Mac a la nueva.

Mi principal preocupación es que si hago una restauración completa, voy a perder el nuevo software en mi nuevo Mac (por ejemplo - la apertura). Básicamente quiero migrar toda mi música (de iTunes), un grupo de archivos / proyectos, fotos (no uso de iPhoto), etc., probablemente no se preocupan tanto de aplicaciones.

¿Cuál es la forma más dolorosa de hacer esto?

NOTA:. Me gustaría ser capaz de utilizar mi disco duro máquina del tiempo con el nuevo equipo para el mismo propósito

(crédito extra si alguien puede comentar sobre la migración de los espacios de trabajo de Eclipse. Estoy bastante seguro de que sólo mover todos los directorios más fino trabajo voluntad si acabo de volver a instalar Eclipse en la nueva máquina.)

Gracias de antemano.

¿Fue útil?


I wouldn't recommend a full restore, assuming it's even possible (Apple can sometimes be a bit funky about system releases on new machines). What you should do is a home directory migration, which I believe you can do from your time machine backup with Migration Assistant when you set up the new machine.

What you want to be careful to do to be as seamless as possible is make sure your new user account has the same shortname as your existing one. That should clear up any snafus you might have with migrating Eclipse as well (I think I saw a related issue for Eclipse on Super User that suggested this.)

Otros consejos

The best way to do this is with Apple's Migration Assistant. Plug the Macs into each other with an ethernet cable and launch Migration Assistant on both. Follow the instructions on screen.

I've migrated to new machines seven times and it's a pretty flawless system. Based on other answers I'm pretty sure that Eclipse won't really know the difference after migration as long as your short name on both Macs is the same.

For eclipse workspace, migrating the workspace folder will be OK (if you have all your source files inside the folder). At first launch, Eclipse will ask you to set the workspace folder. You'll give this folder and your projects will be there. If you have the source files elsewhere, you will have to copy them and keep the same folders structure for Eclipse to find the files.

For the Time Machine Disk. You will be able to use the same one. Another folder will be created to store the backup of your new laptop as there is noe different folder per physical machine. So no worry on this side.

For the rest of your files, it will be on a case by case as you just want to migrate a part of it. As said already, you can migrate your home directory with the Migration Assistant (in Applications/Utilities). As for the main part of Apple applications, if the files are managed in the library, an export/import of the library will be fine. If not, you'll have to do the file copy by yourself.

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