
The example below is a self-contained example I've extracted from my larger app.

Is there a better way to get a HashMap after calling mapValues below? I'm new to Scala, so it's very likely that I'm going about this all wrong, in which case feel free to suggest a completely different approach. (An apparently obvious solution would be to move the logic in the mapValues to inside the accum but that would be tricky in the larger app.)

exec scala "$0" "$@"

import scala.collection.immutable.HashMap

case class Quantity(val name: String, val amount: Double)

class PercentsUsage {
  type PercentsOfTotal = HashMap[String, Double]

  var quantities = List[Quantity]()

  def total: Double = (quantities map { t => t.amount }).sum

  def addQuantity(qty: Quantity) = {
    quantities = qty :: quantities

  def percentages: PercentsOfTotal = {
    def accum(m: PercentsOfTotal, qty: Quantity) = {
      m + ( -> (qty.amount + (m getOrElse (, 0.0))))
    val emptyMap = new PercentsOfTotal()

    // The `emptyMap ++` at the beginning feels clumsy, but it does the
    // job of giving me a PercentsOfTotal as the result of the method.
    emptyMap ++ (quantities.foldLeft(emptyMap)(accum(_, _)) mapValues (dollars => dollars / total))

val pu = new PercentsUsage()

pu.addQuantity(new Quantity("A", 100))
pu.addQuantity(new Quantity("B", 400))

val pot = pu.percentages
println(pot("A")) // prints 0.2
println(pot("B")) // prints 0.8
¿Fue útil?


Rather than using a mutable HashMap to build up your Map, you can just use scala collections' built in groupBy function. This creates a map from the grouping property to a list of the values in that group, which can then be aggregated, e.g. by taking a sum:

def percentages: Map[String, Double] = {
   val t = total
   quantities.groupBy( / t)

This pipeline transforms your List[Quantity] => Map[String, List[Quantity]] => Map[String, Double] giving you the desired result.

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