
I am developing an app for Windows Phone. Due to different date formats used across the world, the datepicker in Windows Phone will display date as dd-MM-yyyy for users in India and MM/dd/yyyy for users in USA, just for an example. So my app crashes as it is set to use the MM/dd/yyyy format ONLY for a particular module.

Can you help me with some code snippet as I am unable to find a solution for this?

Edit: My try

DateTime dt = DateTime.ParseExact(x.msDate.ToString(),"M/d/yyyy",System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
¿Fue útil?

Solución 4

A combination of all the answers did the trick for me. The successful implementation code:

    DateTime originalDate,dt;
    String msDate = "24-12-2013";
    String[] format = {"d-M-yyyy","M/d/yyyy"};
    CultureInfo enUS = new CultureInfo("en-US");
    foreach (var frmt in format)
        if(DateTime.TryParseExact(msDate, frmt, enUS, DateTimeStyles.None,out dt))
            originalDate = dt;

Otros consejos

Use the current culture of the machine running the code:


Or the current culture of the machine running the UI code:


Or pass in a specific culture:

MyDateTime.ToString(new CultureInfo("en-US"))

Your example specifies an invariant culture, so it would expect the default DateTime string formatting.

If you can get your input to pass the DateTime in UTC, that will also make your life a lot easier.

Parsing string date like you did is dangerous. You should use the DateTime constructor that takes year, month,and day, in that way you will be safe

DateTime date1 = new DateTime(2010, 8, 18);


So you may use TryParseExact

As read from your comments, x.msDate is a string that is stored in a database. If this string can be formatted for different cultures and you need a bit flexibility when parsing, you can use the TryParse method. There is an overload that takes a IFormatProvider as an input. If you want to parse that contains a DateTime in a format that differs from the format of the current culture, you can create a CultureInfo and use its DateTimeFormat property when parsing the DateTime:

DateTime dt;
if (!DateTime.TryParse(stringValue, out dt)
    if (!DateTime.TryParse(stringValue, new CultureInfo("en-US").DateTimeFormat, DateTimeStyles.None, out dt)
        throw new ArgumentException("Unable to parse date");
// If you reach this line, you were able to parse the DateTime.

Also you could create a a list of cultures and try to parse the string with the various culture settings. Once the string was parsed successfully, you return the value:

public DateTime ParseString(string value)
    CultureInfo[] cultures = {CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, 
                              new CultureInfo("en-US"), 
                              new CultureInfo("de-DE")};

    foreach(var cult in cultures)
        DateTime dt;
        if (DateTime.TryParse(value, cult, DateTimeStyles.None, out dt))
            return dt;
    throw new ArgumentException(
        string.Format("Unable to parse DateTime for string {0}.", value));

May this will help you

string dateTime= Convert.ToDateTime(datepicker.Value).ToString("M/d/yyyy", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
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