
I'm trying to figure out Rails syntax for testing views & partials.

What is the difference between these two tests? Both succeed using my partial in app/views/layouts/_auth.html.erb.

assert_template layout: "layouts/application", partial: "_auth"

and this:

assert_template layout: "layouts/_auth"

Also here are the tests I have written out for this controller. All assertions pass, but I think I'm missing some conventions. If you see any please let me know.

class UsersControllerTest < ActionController::TestCase
  test "should get index" do
    get :index
    assert_response :success
    assert_template :index
    assert_template layout: "layouts/application"
    assert_template layout: "layouts/application", partial: "_auth"
    assert_template partial: "sessions/_sign_in_form" # Can the below partials be rewritten?
    assert_template partial: "shared/_user_error_messages"
    assert_template partial: "users/_user_form"
    assert_template partial: "layouts/_log_in_modal"
¿Fue útil?


First assertion tests that both layout "layouts/application" and partial "_auth" were rendered.
Second only checks for "_auth".
Replace it with :partial since it would better communicate what "_auth" is.
You can refer to documentation

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