
I am making an AVL Tree as an assignment.
I am having problems when getting height of a tree.
Something wrong with my code all methods are working properly except height method.
When i call getHeight() it shows me that: Zero(0) it has to be 6 or 7.
I could not find where i did wrong.

class AVLNode<K extends Comparable<K>, V extends K> {
    AVLNode<K, V> leftChild, rightChild;
    K key;
    V value;
    int avlNodeHeight;

    /* Constructor */
    public AVLNode() {
        leftChild = null;
        rightChild = null;
        key = null;
        avlNodeHeight = 0;

    /* Constructor */
    public AVLNode(K n) {
        leftChild = null;
        rightChild = null;
        key = n;
        avlNodeHeight = 0;

    /* Constructor */

    public AVLNode(K key, V value) {
        leftChild = null;
        rightChild = null;
        this.key = key;
        this.value = value;
        avlNodeHeight = 0;

    public void setLeftChild(AVLNode<K, V> leftChild) {
        this.leftChild = leftChild;

    public AVLNode<K, V> getLeftChild() {
        return leftChild;

    public void setRightChild(AVLNode<K, V> rightChild) {
        this.rightChild = rightChild;

    public AVLNode<K, V> getRightChild() {
        return rightChild;

    public void setKey(K key) {
        this.key = key;

    public K getKey() {
        return key;

    public void setValue(V value) {
        this.value = value;

    public V getValue() {
        return value;

    public void setHeight(int height) {
        avlNodeHeight = height;

    public int getHeight() {
        return avlNodeHeight;


/* Class AVLTree */
class AVLTree<K extends Comparable<K>, V extends K> {
    AVLNode<K, V> root;

    /* Constructor */
    public AVLTree() {
        root = null;

    /* Function to check if tree is empty */
    public boolean isEmpty() {
        return root == null;

    /* Make the tree logically empty */
    public void makeEmpty() {
        root = null;

    /* Function to get height of node */
    protected int height(AVLNode<K, V> root) {
        return root == null ? -1 : root.avlNodeHeight;

    /* Function to max of left/right node */
    protected int max(int value1, int value2) {
        return Math.max(value1, value2);

    protected K getSmallestValue(AVLNode<K, V> n) {
        if (n.getLeftChild() == null)
            return n.getKey();
        return getSmallestValue(n.getLeftChild());

    /* Function to insert data */
    public void insert(K key, V value) {
        root = insert(key, value, root);

    /* Function to insert data recursively */
    protected AVLNode<K, V> insert(K key, V value, AVLNode<K, V> root) {
        if (root == null)
            root = new AVLNode<K, V>(key, value);
        else if (key.compareTo(root.getKey()) < 0) {
            root.leftChild = insert(key, value, root.leftChild);

            if (height(root.leftChild) - height(root.rightChild) == 2)
                if (key.compareTo(root.getLeftChild().getKey()) < 0)
                    root = rotateLeftChild(root);
                    root = doubleRotateLeftChild(root);
        } else if (key.compareTo(root.getKey()) > 0) {

            root.rightChild = insert(key, value, root.rightChild);
            if (height(root.rightChild) - height(root.leftChild) == 2)
                if (key.compareTo(root.rightChild.getKey()) > 0)
                    root = rotateRightChild(root);
                    root = doubleRotateRightChild(root);
        } else if (root.getKey().equals(key)) {
            return root;
        } else
            root.avlNodeHeight = max(height(root.leftChild),
                    height(root.rightChild)) + 1;
        return root;

    public void delete(K key) {
        root = delete(root, key);

    protected AVLNode<K, V> delete(AVLNode<K, V> n, K key) {
        if (n == null)
            return null;
        if (key.compareTo(n.getKey()) < 0) {
            n.setLeftChild(delete(n.getLeftChild(), key));
            return balance(n);
        else if (key.compareTo(n.getKey()) > 0) {
            n.setRightChild(delete(n.getRightChild(), key));
            return balance(n); // Deleting may have unbalanced tree.
        // Else, we found it! Remove n.
        else {
            // 0 children
            if (n.getLeftChild() == null && n.getRightChild() == null)
                return null;
            // 1 child - guaranteed to be balanced.
            if (n.getLeftChild() == null)
                return n.getRightChild();
            if (n.getRightChild() == null)
                return n.getLeftChild();

            // 2 children - deleting may have unbalanced tree.

            K smallestKey = getSmallestValue(n.getRightChild());
            n.setRightChild(delete(n.getRightChild(), smallestKey));
            return balance(n);


    /* Functions to count number of nodes */
    public int countNodes() {
        return getNodesCount(root);

    protected int getNodesCount(AVLNode<K, V> root) {

        if (root != null) {
            int counter = 1;
            counter += getNodesCount(root.leftChild);
            counter += getNodesCount(root.rightChild);
            return counter;
        } else
            return 0;


    /* Functions to search for an element */
    public boolean search(K key) {
        return search(root, key);

    protected boolean search(AVLNode<K, V> root, K key) {
        boolean check = false;

        while ((root != null) && !check) {
            K rootValue = root.key;

            if (key.compareTo(rootValue) > 0)
                root = root.rightChild;
            else if (key.compareTo(rootValue) < 0)
                root = root.leftChild;
            else {
                check = true;
            check = search(root, key);
        return check;

    protected AVLNode<K, V> balance(AVLNode<K, V> root) {
        root.setHeight(1 + Math.max(height(root.getLeftChild()),
        return root;

    /* Rotate binary tree node with left child */
    protected AVLNode<K, V> rotateLeftChild(AVLNode<K, V> node) {
        AVLNode<K, V> avlNode = node.leftChild;

        node.leftChild = avlNode.rightChild;

        avlNode.rightChild = node;

        node.avlNodeHeight = max(height(node.leftChild),
                height(node.rightChild)) + 1;

        avlNode.avlNodeHeight = max(height(avlNode.leftChild),
                node.avlNodeHeight) + 1;

        return avlNode;

    /* Rotate binary tree node with right child */
    protected AVLNode<K, V> rotateRightChild(AVLNode<K, V> node) {
        AVLNode<K, V> avlNode = node.rightChild;

        node.rightChild = avlNode.leftChild;

        avlNode.leftChild = node;

        node.avlNodeHeight = max(height(node.leftChild),
                height(node.rightChild)) + 1;

        avlNode.avlNodeHeight = max(height(avlNode.rightChild),
                node.avlNodeHeight) + 1;
        return avlNode;

    protected AVLNode<K, V> doubleRotateLeftChild(AVLNode<K, V> node) {
        node.leftChild = rotateRightChild(node.leftChild);
        return rotateLeftChild(node);

    protected AVLNode<K, V> doubleRotateRightChild(AVLNode<K, V> node) {
        node.rightChild = rotateLeftChild(node.rightChild);
        return rotateRightChild(node);


public class AVLTreeTest {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        AVLTree<Integer, Integer> avlt = new AVLTree<>();

        for (int i = 0; i < 1200; i++)
            avlt.insert(i, i + 5);

        System.out.println("Height of AVL TREE: " + avlt.root.getHeight());
¿Fue útil?


In insert(), the first and second else if never update the height.

I think you want to move

    root.avlNodeHeight = max(height(root.leftChild),
            height(root.rightChild)) + 1;

out of the else.

There could be other bugs...

Otros consejos

if you are using the below code height method has to be recursive to get the height, but you have implemented in balance method i guess which is wrong.

max(height(root.leftChild), height(root.rightChild)) + 1;

or else you have to setHeight(AVLNode) every time you insert or delete.

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